
Upcoming events

Workshop: Digital Anthropology Lab (DA Lab) Tübingen meets Digital Ethnography Initiative (DEI). The aim of this session is to create an exchange between two groups, the Digital Anthropology Lab (DA Lab) at the University of Tübingen and the Digital Ethnography Initiative (DEI). The session starts with a brief introduction of both groups, followed by short presentations by members of the DEI and the DA Lab.
Time and place: 28 November, 16.45-17.45, Online (please send an e-mail to info(at) and at the Ludwig-Uhland-Institute, Burgsteige 11, Tübingen

Workshop: “AI in Media Anthropology: Trajectories, Challenges, Opportunities”, EASA Media Anthropology Network, with Marin Slama, Philipp Budka, and Suzana Jovicic. To participate in this on-site workshop, please send an abstract of 300 words and a short biographical sketch to martin.slama(at) by September 15, 2024. You can download the CfP here.
Time and place: 15-16.05.2025, Institute for Social Anthropology, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna

Past events

Panel: “Digital Ethnography in Post-Pandemic Times: Reflections, Implications, and Innovations” at the Vienna Anthropology Days Conference (VANDA2024), 23-26.09.2024 – DEI Panel with Suzana Jovicic, Monika Palmberger and Philipp Budka.
Time and Place: 24.09.2024, Slot 3, Room 1, University of Vienna

DEI Talk with John Postill: “Digital ethnography as a flat methodology – comparing hybrid and online research on digital activism”. More info and abstract:
Time and Place: 11.06.2024, 17.00 CET, University of Vienna & online

Cologne-Siegen Masterclass for Media Ethnography: “(Post)Digital Ethnography: From Participant Observation to Collaborative Approaches”, by Simone Pfeifer and Suzana Jovicic. The course is primarily directed at Master and PhD students with their own projects who are interested in learning more about the hands-on practices of digital ethnography with a critical perspective.
Time and Place: 24-26.11.2022, University of Cologne

#YouthMediaLife Methodenworkshop “Digital Ethnography”, featuring DEI. Im Workshop werden diverse Zugänge zu “Digital Ethnography” beleuchtet und anhand konkreter Beispiele und Übungen methodologische Fragen bearbeitet. Zu Gast sind Simone Pfeifer (Universität zu Köln) und Maria Schlechter (Universität Wien). Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos. Um eine kurze Anmeldung wird gebeten unter:
WANN und WO: Freitag, 21.01.2022, 15-18 Uhr, online
Mehr Informationen hier.

Online Master ClassParticipatory Digital Ethnography, taught by Darcy Alexandra (University of Bern) and Koen Leurs (Utrecht University), for PhDs or advanced Master students in anthropology (University of Vienna and CEU).
Public co-lecture with two guest lecturers on November 9 (17.30 – 19.00 hrs.).
Workshop on November 10 (9.00 – 12.00 hrs.), both online.
Organized by the Digital Ethnography Initiative, Vienna Visual Anthropology Lab, the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Vienna, and the Visual Studies Platform at the Central European University.
More info in the PDF.

CfP “At the Intersections of Mobile Online and Offline Spaces: Reflections on Methods, Practices, and Ethics”, Special Issue of Media and Communication, organized by Katja Kaufmann (University of Innsbruck) and Monika Palmberger (University of Vienna), Submission of Abstracts: 1-15 September 2021

Panel “Digital Ethnography: Revisiting Theoretical Concepts and Methodological Approaches” at Vienna Anthropology Days (VANDA2020), 28 Sept. – 1 Oct. 2020, online 1 Oct, organized by Philipp Budka (University of Vienna) and Monika Palmberger (University of Vienna)

Panel “Engaged Media Anthropology in the Digital Age” at EASA2020 “New Anthropological Horizons in and beyond Europe”, 20–24 July 2020, online on July 24, organized by Philipp Budka (University of Vienna) and Sahana Udupa (LMU Munich)